Writing viral blog posts used to be much easier back in the day, but it’s a lot more difficult nowadays. With the advent of social media, there are so many ways to communicate your content online that you can barely keep track of them all. While this may seem overwhelming, it’s also incredibly exciting because the opportunities are endless if you know what you’re doing. In order to get ahead in the future of viral blogging, here are some things that you need to know about how to write a viral blog post in 2022...
Be controversial
In 2016, Adweek released an analysis of some of our favorite viral posts. It found that controversy was one of eight key ingredients. Sometimes creating controversy is easy, says Schillaci. Sometimes you make it harder than it has to be. For example, a friend recently told me she thought feminists were creating unnecessary drama by advocating for trigger warnings in college classrooms. How To Write A Viral Blog Post In 2022 can take controversial positions simply for the sake of getting attention — but for real virality, you have to honestly believe what you're saying and be committed to it even if it gets ugly. This doesn't mean being offensive or rude (well, maybe sometimes), but rather that your passion will come through in your writing. Make sure you're well-informed about any issues or topics you address; they don't hold back when sharing your opinions. If there's one thing we've learned from Donald Trump's success as a presidential candidate, it's that people are more likely to share an opinion they agree with than facts alone—even if they disagree with those opinions on principle. People also love stories and examples, so use them liberally throughout your post How To Write A Viral Blog Post In 2022. You'll make readers care about what you have to say.
Write like you mean it
Writing like you mean goes way beyond writing honestly or authentically. It means putting real thought into how you want to sound and crafting your words so that they are as authentic as possible. When you write with meaning, your readers will be able to connect with your writing on a more meaningful level than if you hadn’t taken the time to craft your content (and yourself) well. While building an audience and developing expertise is important, honesty is arguably most crucial when you’re just starting out—so it's worth spending extra time ensuring your posts (and overall personality) reflect who you are and what message(s) you want readers to take away from what they're reading.
Become an expert in your industry
This one might seem obvious, but it's never too early to start getting really good at what you do. Become an expert on your target audience and get known for being someone who can solve their problems. This is how you'll become an influencer—and building social proof will make it easier for your ideas and products to spread when it comes time for that viral post of yours. On top of that, becoming an expert will also teach you how marketing works (you know, since everyone knows content is king) and help you learn new skills that could eventually come in handy when writing all those viral posts. Oh, and don't forget about networking: The more people you meet in your industry, the more likely they are to share your stuff with their own network when it finally does go viral. So get out there! Meet people! Build relationships! But most importantly...get really good at something.
Link back to your website/social media pages regularly
As you start posting more and more, it’s important to consider where you’re getting your traffic from. If you only get readers from a small number of blogs or publications, your growth will plateau fairly quickly. So once you start seeing some momentum with your posts, make sure that you link back to your website or social media pages regularly (I like using Widgets for my homepage). This should be done naturally and tastefully; don’t go overboard with it. Just try and check in every few days on how things are going. You want to see if there are any new avenues for growing your audience. For example, if you notice that one of your posts is being shared a lot on Twitter, then maybe reach out to those people who shared it and see if they would be interested in writing an original piece for you about their experiences with whatever topic is related to what you wrote about. Always keep an eye out for new opportunities!
Include quotes from influencers, celebrities, or other bloggers
Influencers and celebrities often use social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram as avenues for sharing valuable information with their audiences. Quotes from these micro-influencers can be an excellent way to add credibility to your own content, making it more likely that your audience will trust you. Taking quotes from well-known people can also make it easier for you if your goal is to go viral. For example, quotes from other bloggers or influential people in your industry can help drive your content's reach by increasing social engagement across platforms.
Make yourself the star of the article by telling readers how you did it (your secret).
If you want to be able to write viral articles, you need to do one thing: Put yourself into it. Readers love seeing themselves in articles; nothing engages more than when they see how something relates directly back to them. Don’t shy away from telling readers what they can learn from your experience, or how they can get started with similar tactics. People will remember and come back if they feel like you can help them improve their lives, and that’s what makes an engaging piece of content. Remember: Tell readers how YOU did it (your secret). Not what someone else did, but instead how YOU accomplished it yourself—people love success stories! Make sure you explain exactly how your business got its start.
Publish on Saturday or Sunday when most people are least busy
Publishing during peak internet times, such as late afternoon or early evening on Friday and Saturday nights, can be less effective. Since people will still have time to read your post these days when they get home from work or return from dinner with friends, they’ll be more likely to save it for later—or forget about it altogether. That means that many of your visitors might arrive before you’ve had time to promote it around town (i.e., on social media). If you do want to publish during peak internet hours, simply promote your content well enough that people know about it beforehand so that you aren’t just sending readers directly from Google or Facebook onto an empty page. Basically: Give people a reason to read now .