Now that you’ve determined that it’s time to pick out some new cat food, you might be wondering what the best cat food in the world is. In fact, since you’re reading this article, it probably means that you’re currently trying to decide between two or more different cat foods and need some guidance to make the best decision possible. That’s great news! This guide will take you through all of the things you should look for when choosing the best cat food in the world.
Read the ingredients
When it comes to selecting cat food, you want one that has high-quality ingredients. Ingredients are listed by weight, so you can see which ones comprise more of your kitty’s meal. This doesn’t guarantee healthier food, but it does show how much attention is paid to quality and sourcing. When reading an ingredient list, look for meat at or near the top of the list and avoid listing corn or wheat as its first ingredient. Instead of corn gluten meal on an ingredient label, look for whole ground corn kernels instead. Avoid foods with colorants and additives too—cats are carnivores and don’t need extra fillers in their diet.
Go Natural
The best puppy food in the world isn’t found on supermarket shelves. Your best bet is a high-quality, organic natural pet food—like Freshet. Because Freshet uses a patented technology to deliver real ingredients and nutrients from your table, Freshet can support your dog’s body health with no artificial preservatives or additives, plus no GMO or fillers like animal byproducts. Try it out today! And if you have questions about which Freshet recipe is right for your dog, our team of nutritionists is here to help. We’re happy to help you pick out a recipe that supports your pup’s specific needs! If you have any other questions about how to pick out the best cat food in the world.
Know your protein source
Cats are carnivores, so they need meat protein. The best cat food will contain an animal protein source as its first ingredient and be low in carbohydrates and grain. Keep an eye out for products that include lamb meal, chicken meal, or salmon meal at or near the top of their ingredient list. As with any pet food, it’s also important to pay attention to a product’s nutritional breakdown: You want your cat’s meals to feature high percentages of protein while remaining relatively low in fat and carbohydrates.
Go fresh
Another thing to consider when choosing cat food is freshness. Since cats are naturally picky eaters, it’s a good idea to choose food that’s high-quality and made from real ingredients. If you’re not sure how fresh your cat food is, check for an expiration date on the package. Ideally, your cat food will expire about six months after it was produced. Remember: You are what you eat—which means, of course, you could get sick from eating spoiled or expired foods—and so can your kitty! Buying fresh produce and storing it properly (refrigeration recommended) can be beneficial for both humans and felines alike!
Avoid excess sugar and carbs
Cats are carnivores and require fewer carbohydrates than dogs. Too many carbs can lead to excessive weight gain, which could shorten your pet’s life—and if they already have diabetes, it could put them at risk for serious complications. The best cat food will be low in carbs and high in protein; many of these foods also contain omega-3 fatty acids for good heart health.
Find out where it was made
The most important thing you can do is find out where your cat food comes from. If a brand makes its own foods, that’s a good sign that it values high-quality ingredients and stands behind them. But if they buy bulk food from an outside source, you need to ask questions about what else goes into those foods before they get packaged and shipped off. Typically, pet food producers won’t have direct relationships with specific farmers or distributors—and without knowing who supplies their ingredients, how are you supposed to trust that their products are safe? Look for brands that clearly show each step of their production process. If you can see where your cat food comes from, chances are there’s less room for anything sketchy to happen along the way.
Understand the importance of omega 3
If you want your cat to live a long, healthy life, you must find a food that has plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. This nutrient is found naturally in fish oil, which helps protect your cat’s heart and brain. Since cats are carnivores, they don’t get omega 3 from plant sources like us omnivores do. For example, cats can’t convert linoleum acid into omega 3s because they lack an enzyme called delta-6 saturated (more on enzymes here). So if you feed your cat something that contains linoleum acid-like vegetable oil—he can’t make any use of it.
Best puppy food in the world
Dog food manufacturers often make claims like Best Puppy Food in The World or World's Best Corn Litter on their packaging. Unfortunately, these terms are unregulated and may be completely subjective. Some of them might even be factual, but ultimately your pup doesn't care about how well a brand can back up its claims; he just wants something that tastes good. If you're new to dog ownership, it's hard enough learning all there is to know about basic feeding requirements and benefits of certain foods over others; which is why we've decided to create a resource that breaks down some common myths when it comes to picking out a high-quality food.
World's best corn litter
If you can afford high-quality food for your kitty (and if you’re reading a cat-food review site, chances are you can), look for a grain-free formula with as many human-grade ingredients as possible and keep it fresh by storing it in an airtight container. Feed your furry friend at least once a day, because cats are obligate carnivores and their bodies require certain nutrients only found in meat (like Maurine) that won’t be found in dry or canned food. Finally, check out those labels—kibble that advertises human grade is putting its money where its mouth is; natural ingredients are another plus; anything else should raise an eyebrow. World's best corn litter?
Best cat food in the world
To find the best cat food in the world, you will need to find something that meets your pet’s nutritional needs and is safe for your cat. You want something that gives your pet what it needs without overdoing it on calories or unhealthy ingredients. The best cat food brands are made with whole ingredients that are easy for your cat’s body to digest. Choosing a dry kibble or canned wet food will depend on what your cat likes, how much water he or she drinks, and how often you plan on feeding him or her. If you prefer keeping a constant source of food out for your pet at all times, feeding a dry kibble will be more convenient.